THE TABLE: A Special Invitation for Women

by Vickey Banks

What makes a table special?

My woodworking husband has taught me to appreciate the gifts of quality, design and craftsmanship in a well-constructed table. Foodie and artistic friends have awakened my taste buds and opened my eyes to what delicious food and lovely decor can add to even the simplest of tabletops. But what makes a table truly come alive is when people gather around one.

The women of Council Road are beginning a brand new ministry designed to bring small groups of multi-generational women together around a table in homes. We will share a simple meal, but our purpose is far beyond that. Ladies, consider THE TABLE your invitation to do three things:

1.         GATHER

Does your life often feel like an endless to-do list? Mine does. Just when I check something off my list, I am reminded of two new things to add. This incessant doing, combined with a foreboding sense of what still needs to be done, makes it difficult to do one of the simplest things that nourishes our souls: gather with other women. So while there will always be things we feel need to be done, we invite you to set aside a two-hour period every month to just enjoy time with a small group of women and (bonus!) do not have to plan, prepare or pay for a single thing. Seriously, read that last sentence again. You do not have to plan, prepare or pay for a single thing! Come in your pajamas if you want, just gather.

2.         CONNECT

You know how sometimes you get together with a group of women for something and leave feeling like you didn’t really get to know or talk with anyone about anything meaningful? Yeah, that’s not The Table. This is a monthly invitation not to just watch or listen to someone else, but to actually foster positive and deeper relationships. How? Along with enjoying a simple meal together, we will follow the IF: Table design of discussing four intentional questions on a variety of topics. Discussing these with women of different ages and walks of life should be fascinating, but we also trust it will lead to special friendships and some organic mentoring. This is a truly beautiful opportunity to connect meaningfully with other women. 

3.         ENCOURAGE

Let’s be honest - being a good woman can be exhausting! Let’s listen to and linger with one another around THE TABLE. Let’s have some intentional conversation so we can share our hearts and thoughts, allowing us to both give and receive the much needed gift of encouragement this year. 

Once you’ve signed up for THE TABLE and let us know when you’re available, our Women’s Ministry Team will place you in a group of women of different generations. By signing up, you are committing to faithfully meet with your group once a month for six months. Your group leaders will contact you with info on where and when you’ll meet. And in case you would like a heads up on the questions you’ll be discussing, your leaders will also contact you a week or so before each of your meetings to pass those along. Again, you do not have to plan, prepare, or pay for anything!

Groups begin in January, but registration ends November 18. Please accept this invitation by CLICKING THIS LINK NOW to sign up for THE TABLE. There’s a seat just for you!

Author Bio
Bible study teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, writing for and overseeing the Council Road Women blog, serving on the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Women’s Leadership Team and teaching Young Marrieds with her husband. She can also be found celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.

Vickey Banks