About Whiz Kids
Whiz Kids is a faith-based, tutoring and mentoring program designed for 1st-4th graders in areas of high dropout rates and low socio-economic conditions in Oklahoma City. They have an amazing track record due to the one-on-one relationships they establish between a tutor and a student. After one year of tutoring, kids in the Whiz Kids program score an average of 37 points higher on state reading tests than their fellow students.
Volunteers serve one day a week for about two hours! While not designed to be an everyday program, a Whiz Kids site is a big undertaking, and it’s much more than just sitting and reading with a child once a week. Our typical Whiz Kids schedule includes free play in the gym, a meal for the kids, Bible club time and a minimum of 45 minutes of one-on-one tutoring time focused on reading.
If you’re interested or need more information, please reach out to site coordinator Luke McConnell at mcconnell@councilroad.org or complete the volunteer sign up form below!
Former Whiz Kid and current Whiz Kids tutor Karen Medina details her journey through Whiz Kids, how it changed her life and why others should volunteer as well.