Our Mission
Missions is joining in the work God is doing. At CRBC, we want to align ourselves with the heart of God and make disciples whether that’s in our backyard or across oceans.
We partner with people, non-profits, and organizations all over OKC and the world. Globally, we support missionaries and organizations that are impacting poverty and injustice. We are committed to supporting church plants and focus on training third world pastors and leaders. Locally, we support and partner with like-minded ministries that are making disciples in all segments of our society. We seek to impact children and families by working with our local schools and after-school programs as well as with our partnerships with organizations such as Safe Families Oklahoma, 111 Project/Care Portal and DHS.
Check out our upcoming volunteer opportunities and trips below! We would love for you to get involved.
Upcoming Mission Opportunites:
Cambodia May 2025 Mission Trip
May 17-26, 2025; Cost: $3200/pp. We are going to assist workers with the following possible activities: light construction, VBS, sports camp for youth. Contact Stacy for registration or for more information.
For more information about these mission trip opportunities contact Stacy Neuschaefer at Stacy@councilroad.org or 405.789.3175 x201
"We don't necessarily need to know them and they don't need overseas experience. As long as they are following the Father and there is visible fruit in their lives. They need to be humble,flexible,teachable, and adventurous." -CRBC Missionary
Step 1: We will have the first meeting to go over initial details!
Step 2: Fill out the trip application form. Filling out a trip application means you intend to go on the trip. We will confirm prices and your commitment before she books flights! Once flights have been purchased, the individual is responsible for all cancellation charges.
Step 3: APPLY FOR YOUR PASSPORT if you don't have one. Make sure that your passport won't expire within 6 months of the trip date.
Step 4: Go to team meetings and pray, pray, pray & save, save save!
There is a specific way you need to tell your supporters to send in checks in order for them to receive tax credit for their donation!
1. Write a check to Council Road Baptist Church, DO NOT put a name in the memo line.
2. Use a sticky note to write the name of the person they wish to support and stick it in the envelope with their check.
3. Mail the check to Council Road Baptist Church, ATTN: Clint Chamberlain, 2900 N. Council Rd. Bethany, OK 73008 or give to Clint directly. You may also pay online! Make sure to designate your money to the name of your trip (example: “Denver Trip 2019”) and forward your receipt to Clint at chamberlain@councilroad.org!
DO NOT put checks in the offering bucket, we have no way of tracking these!
Need suggestions for writing a support letter? Doug Goetzinger, CRBC Member, has some great ones which you can find HERE.
Who we support:
BCM at OCU (International Student Ministry)
Global Partners
Church Plants in Denver, Southeast Asia, and Dubai
Missions Market
Stop by the missions market on Sundays to purchase goods that support ministry and missions around the globe! Featuring products from: