Senior Adults

The Senior Adult ministry is for adults 65 and over, who are generally retired. These ministry groups represent the heritage of our church. Their commonality is a shared wisdom and focus on our future. Contact the Senior Adult Office at 405.789.3175 for further information.

Connection Groups

Sunday morning Connection Groups meet for Bible study in a classroom environment at 7:45, 9:00 and 10:15 a.m. Classes are available for men, women and coed.

Ministry & Missions Opportunities

Bereavement Ministry
The bereavement ministry team coordinates, prepares and serves meals for families attending funeral services at the church.  This is a beautiful ministry to our surrounding community.

Crafts Ministry
This group of ladies enjoys fellowship and “crafting” together.  They design and create items to share with our homebound members and others in nursing and retirement facilities.  They also make items for babies and children in foster care situations and special facilities. Meeting times are the first, second and third Thursdays of each month at 9 a.m. in Room 100.

Cube Ministry
Our Senior Adult members support various community outreach activities at the Cube. These activities include early morning walking groups and coffee “klatches,” periodic breakfast socials, morning exercise groups, afternoon table games and a weekly care givers support group meeting.

Surviving Spouses Ministry

This ministry reaches out to men and women who have lost a spouse. Our widows and widowers can participate in quarterly activities, and a Community Remembrance service in December.

Service & Missional Opportunities
Our Senior Adults are involved in many areas of service and community outreach.  These include the following:

  • Teaching and serving in Vacation Bible School

  • Providing clothing and toiletry items for the homeless

  • Volunteering at the R.O.C. mission 

Social Activities

The Senior Adult Ministry sponsors a “First Thursday” potluck dinner and game night each month at 6 p.m. in Room 100. Domino games are a highlight of this evening! Many fellowships and socials are also planned throughout the year within the Senior Adult Connection Groups. Day and overnight bus trips are also planned during the year. Contact the Senior Adult Ministry Office for scheduled trips.