The Karis adoption, fostering, and orphan care ministry exists to glorify God by changing orphans to sons and daughters and by serving orphans globally and locally.
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you” James 1:27, NLT
Total estimated number of orphans worldwide: 153 million – of that number approximately 18 million are “double orphans.”
In the USA there are over 400,000 children in the foster system many are hoping to be adopted.
In Oklahoma, there are over 11,000 children in the custody of OKDHS.
At Council Road Baptist Church there are over 40 families who are somewhere on the foster or adoptive journey.
We have a partnership with Safe Families, a ministry that creates extended family-like support for families in crisis or short-term emergencies. Volunteers who are motivated by faith to keep children safe and keep families intact open their homes and provide radical biblical hospitality! Click here to find out more information to get your group on board.
In addition to this there are 16 Council Road families sponsoring 17 kids in three different African countries: Kenya, Liberia, and Burundi. www.criointernational.org.
Council Road Baptist Church has two projects in Africa through CRIO International in Hamisi, Kenya and in Monrovia, Kenya.
We have a weekly support group for adoptive and fostering families led by a leadership team of Dr. Carisa Wilsie, PhD. in psychology, and John and Doreen English, foster and adoptive parents for over 20 years. Meets Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30 p.m. in C-107.
Council Road’s Hands for Missions blanket and tote bag-making ministry for kids in crisis situations has been in operation for many years. They meet in room 100 on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month starting at 9 a.m. Training is available. Contact Patsy Clark at 350.7607 for more information.
Council Road Baptist Church and others have generously given to help financially offset the cost of adoptions for Oklahoma families through the Karis Adoption Fund: www.karisadoptionfund.org.
W.R.A.P around family – some folks have learned that the best way for them to help is by serving adoptive and fostering families by wrapping around them.
We also help staff and resource OKDHS adoption fairs in the spring and fall each year.
Orphan Sunday – each year on the first Sunday of November we focus on God’s heart for orphans and our response.
For More Information: please contact Carisa Wilsie at wilsie@councilroad.org.