Young Adults
Sunday Happenings
Our Young Adult Ministry is comprised of a group of 20’s & 30’s living in or around the Oklahoma City area. We have a Connection Group that meet on Sundays:
A space for young adults to connect at 9ish in the morning! This group is for you if you're:
...between 18-28 yrs old-ish
...wanting to meet new-ish people
...looking-ish for a place of practical growth
...able to show up around 9ish on Sundays
This group meets in the main Worship Center Foyer in the breakout room by Connection Cafe.
Weekday Happenings
Multiple home groups meet weekly on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. Along with our Connection Class and home groups, we have all-group hang outs about once a month. To get connected to a home group, hit the button below.
For more information, contact Merrit Suenram at merrit@councilroad.org