Advent Like No Other

by Hester Fulton

It’s known that the word Advent in Latin means “coming.” I’ve always thought of Advent as a season of giving something up—sacrifice in self to make way for a coming King.

In our culture as Southern Baptists, we typically jump ahead to the actual birth of Christ and relish in the awe and wonder of the tiny baby lying in a manger with animals gathered in peace—greeting visitors to see their Messiah, Baby Jesus.

In an interesting and different perspective from my own, it’s mentioned in one narrative that Advent symbolizes the past, present and future.

Excerpted from “”

There are three meanings of 'coming' that Christians describe in Advent. The first, and most thought of, happened about 2000 years ago when Jesus came into the world as a baby to live as a man and die for us. The second can happen now as Jesus wants to come into our lives. And the third will happen in the future when Jesus comes back to the world as King and Judge, not a baby.

Prophets foretold Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. They were preparing others for Jesus’ coming. This was knowledge from the Past.

We in the present prepare for the coming Messiah in setting our lives as a “living sacrifice” to God by accepting that Jesus came to this earth, born of a virgin, died on a cross to atone for our sin and rose again on the third day in testament of God’s power. The ultimate gift! This is for Today.

In living out our lives, we are commissioned by God in Matthew to “Go and Tell” the good news that Jesus Christ was born! Prepare for His second coming! Tell the entire world that Jesus Christ is King! This is our Future.

I encourage all to think a new thought this Advent. Think of your past, present and future. Think on the past—the miracle that was foretold of Mary and Joseph. Think of your present circumstance—are you accepting of Jesus Christ and do you believe? Think of the future generations to come. Will you take on the charge of telling someone about Jesus and who He is to you?

Let this year be an Advent like No Other!

Author Bio
Hester is the Worship Coordinator for the 9 a.m. worship service and is assistant to Executive Pastor Norman Behymer. She also works at a distribution company in OKC. She is married to David, and they have a son, Eli. She enjoys a great mystery and loves to sing with Council Road’s “PraiseSong” ensemble.

Hester Fulton