Church Council Report

by Jason Arnold

Council Road's Church Council made its quarterly report on Wednesday, August 21. If you missed it, here are some of the highlights.

The church continues to pay its debt, and the balance still owed is $2,166,067. We are able to make our payment every month. The church needs to reduce or eliminate this debt as quickly as possible. If you have not been giving to the 2020 debt repayment campaign, you are encouraged to give above and beyond the general budget giving to help in that effort.

Even though fiscal year-to-date giving is $255,379 less than what the budget requested, the staff has done a superb job of limiting spending so that the current giving vs. actual expenses is in the positive and not the negative. Please thank all of our staff members for being good stewards of what has been given.

Other business:

We have reduced the Cube operating hours from four-and-a-half days per week to three days per week. This reduction will save an estimated $100,000 per year. All of the ministry efforts and offices at the Cube remain open and are all performing well. Those classes and events that were held on Thursday or Friday in the Cube have been re-scheduled to Monday through Wednesday. 

The Church Council voted to sell the Falls Creek Cabin back to Falls Creek. They will tear down the cabin to protect their water source.

The Missions Team will now consist of the Mission Advocates in each group. This is a needed change and makes a more efficient team for our Minister of Missions.

The Council also voted to increase the size of the Council by placing all Nominating Team members onto the Council. This increases the number of members on the Council.

Proverbs 15:22 says, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Our church has put in place a leadership model that welcomes advice and seeks wise counsel.

Please plan on coming to our next Church Council report meeting on Wednesday, November 13. We would love to see you there!


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