Fifty Years is a Lot of Candles!

by Norman Behymer

I cannot believe this is the 50th anniversary of our Candlelight tradition at CRBC. In fact, it is our longest yearly tradition that we hold at our church. Who originated the idea of a Candlelight service is still a mystery, but Denise and I have been to 46 including this year.

When I first came to Council Road in November of 1974, I was told about the service and that I had less than a month to get a program ready. That first year was a simple service of carols and a cute children’s moment. But by the second year, I got the entire youth group involved. I remember one of our youth girls standing on a thin beam that was in front of the Chapel choir loft, and she quoted a really cool poem. I can’t believe that she agreed to stand on that thin board and do that, but she did. This began a long list of memories that has made Candlelight sink into my heart.

We had a children’s production one year at 11 p.m. Being a young and very un-enlightened young man, I didn’t realize that all children were in bed way before that time. With a few yawns and some prompting for lines, we pulled it off. It truly was a wow moment. One year, someone built a fake Jesus birthday cake that was made of wood and had lightbulbs for candles. A precious, five-year-old girl sang “Happy Birthday Jesus.” I will never forget it.

Other traditions through the years have included Denise singing “O Holy Night” and giving out beautiful ornaments to each family. For the last 10 years, we have written and produced our own children’s book for every child in attendance. These books tell the real meaning of Christmas and are beautifully illustrated. They have become a tradition for each family to read at Christmas time, and this year our book is titled “It’s Only the Beginning.” Make sure you get your copy at this year’s service.

What does Candlelight mean to me? Every year when we light our candles at the end of the service, I think of those who have gone on to heaven and are no longer in the service. I think of how God has richly blessed our church through another year of worshipping Him. And seeing those candles reminds me of the unity that we have in Christ here at Council Road.

Author Bio
Norman has served on staff at Council Road for 46 years. He currently serves as the Executive Pastor for Ministry Strategy and Worship Pastor for the early service. He and his wife, Denise, have two adult children and seven grandchildren. 

Norman Behymer