by Matt McLain

How is your ankle, knee and hip mobility?

If you have noticed a significant and audible “humph” as you pick up a pen off the floor or squat to kill a spider, your joints probably need a little mobility work. Yoga and daily stretching are the remedies for a body that is tightening up.

How is your mobility when it comes to worship and faith?

One thing the pandemic has taught me is that flexibility is important! As followers of Jesus, conditions aren’t always going to be perfect. In fact, there is historical precedent for faithfulness being the strongest in less than ideal situations. The early believers not only worshipped in the midst of persecution, but also in open-air homes of believers, probably without hymnals, air-conditioning and a donut selection that rivals Krispy Kreme.

I bring this up because when things are easy, we start to go “humph.” It’s too cold in here today…didn’t they play that song last week…I got a little bored, why wasn’t the speaker funnier…

Last week during Student Ministry Worship, a cord went bad and so the guitar and mic stopped working. That meant in the middle of worship, the instruments weren’t making it easy to sing. All I had were the words to “Jesus is Enough” and “All I have is Christ.” I loved it. We had to be flexible. When are forced to shift and adjust due to less than ideal conditions, the core of our faith is revealed. The core that Jesus is enough.

I love when I get to worship in comfort, but I am also grateful for the chance to be flexible because it reveals that down at the heart of it all- Jesus is enough.

Author Bio
Matt McLain is the Student Minister at CRBC. He has been on staff at Council Road for five years. He is married to Sarah and has an 80 lb. golden doodle named Annie. Matt received his Bachelor of Arts from Oklahoma Christian University where he played soccer. He received his M,Div, from Midwestern Seminary in the spring of 2019. In addition to being an avid reader, he is also beginning new hobbies such as rock climbing and long distance running.

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