Picture This

by Norman Behymer

Perhaps you have seen one of our photographers on Sunday or at another special event quietly taking pictures as they snap away looking to get just the right angle or a special facial expression. Not only are they providing professional stock pictures for our social media, graphics and newsletter, but they are also documenting valuable CRBC history.

About five years ago, Dave Sutton had a vision to begin using the talents of the professional photographers in our membership. Like anyone with a talent, one tends to know others who share the same passion. He invited them to dinner and shared his dream to begin this new ministry. Everyone was immediately onboard, and so it began! 

Dave created a spreadsheet for CRBC events that his wife, Sarah, populates with special worship services, events, baptisms, family dedication services and anything else the ministers want documented with photographs. The photographers check the sheet monthly and sign up for the events they are able to shoot. All of their work—the shooting, processing and uploading—is done on a completely voluntary basis. They volunteer thousands of dollars of work every year. 

After they have processed their pictures, they upload them so Sarah can then distribute to whomever can use them or requested them. It is so nice to have professional photographs of our events or to send to someone who has been baptized. 

Currently, the team is made up of Richard Clifton, David Stinchcomb and Dave Sutton, with Makenzie Magnus and Gordon Walker shooting when the others cannot commit. This week I received pictures of the services in the Chapel and Cube from the last three Sundays. I love the pictures! They told a terrific story of how we were ministering while our Worship Center lights were being replaced. Richard Clifton did a wonderful job documenting those services. 

We are in need of additional photographers. If you are interested (even if photography is not your primary vocation and/or you don't consider yourself professional, but you have experience and are willing to help), please contact Sarah Sutton. Thank you to these valuable volunteers who are helping to beautify and document CRBC’s history. If you see one of them on assignment, be sure and say thanks!

Author Bio
Norman has served on staff at Council Road for 46 years. He currently serves as the Executive Pastor for Ministry Strategy and Worship Pastor for the early service. He and his wife, Denise, have two adult children and seven grandchildren. 

Norman Behymer