Eight Victories in the Eight Resurrection Appearances of Jesus

by Jimmy Kinnaird

Sunday is the first day of the week. It was the eighth day after Jesus’ celebrated entry into Jerusalem. The Bible states God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. The number seven in the Bible is the number for completion. God rested on the seventh day of creation. The number eight is the number above completion. Seven plus one is the start of a new creation, a new order of things; eight is the number of the resurrection. Jesus said, “Look, I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:5).

That first Easter morning brought an empty tomb, a risen Savior and victory over sin and death. On this day, a new order of existence was born. Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Nothing like this had ever happened before. Resurrection is not resuscitation, like the people Jesus brought back to life—they died again. Resurrection is not reincarnation. Resurrection is not a mystical vision or a phantom appearance by a ghost. Resurrection is the remaking, the transforming of matter in this created order. It becomes something new, something that has never before existed.

The Bible records at least eight appearances of the resurrected Jesus to different people at various times and locations over a 40-day period before He ascended into heaven. In each of these appearances, there is a victory.

First, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene at the tomb (Mark 16:9). Mary was weeping at the tomb, thinking she had lost Jesus forever. Jesus appeared and brought victory over despair.

Second, Jesus appeared to other women as they were leaving the tomb (Matthew 28:9-10). They thought he was dead, but he appeared to them, and they worshipped Him there. Jesus brought victory over death.

Third, Jesus met up with two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32). These men were talking about all the week's events surrounding Jesus. They didn’t understand what had happened. Jesus talked with them and stayed with them until they understood. Jesus brought victory over confusion.

Fourth, Jesus appeared to 10 disciples who were hiding together (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-25). These disciples were afraid of what might happen to them since Jesus had been killed. Jesus brought victory over fear.

Fifth, Jesus appeared to all 11 remaining disciples (Mark 16:14; John 20:26-31). Thomas, who had doubted Jesus’ resurrection, was with them this time. Jesus brought victory over doubt.

Sixth, Jesus appeared to seven disciples, including Peter, who had denied Jesus three times (John 21). At this appearance, Jesus puts Peter back into ministry. Jesus brought victory over failure.

Seventh, Jesus appeared to the 11 disciples at a pre-arranged location on a mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16-20). There Jesus told them He had been given all power and authority. He gave His followers the great commission to make disciples. Jesus brought victory over any other power.

Eighth, Jesus finally appeared to as many as 500 of His followers at one time. He confirmed the completion of His mission and the promise of the Holy Spirit (Luke 22:44-49; Acts 1:3-8). Jesus had victory over all things.

Then Jesus' followers watched Him ascend to heaven. He disappeared from sight into a cloud. Suddenly two men in white stood before the disciples and told them Jesus would return the same way He was taken up into heaven. The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to judge the earth and set up His everlasting kingdom. This is the victorious Jesus! We share in every aspect of Jesus’ victory. So, rejoice this Easter.

Author Bio
Jimmy Kinnaird is married to Karen, who serves CRBC as Spiritual Formation Team Coordinator. Jimmy has been a pastor for 21 years and has served in various SBC denominational roles for 14 years. He is a certified leadership coach, church and nonprofit consultant and CEO of Aligned Life Consulting. 

Jimmy Kinnaird