Time is Everything

by Hester Fulton

This past weekend, we changed to Daylight Saving Time. You probably heard many friends and family members say how much they don’t enjoy springing forward.

Our daily lives entail working toward reaching certain goals in our jobs, homes, families and friends. You might be frustrated in never having enough time. I catch myself wondering if I even have time to think about it.

The Bible has many references to time throughout Scripture. Proverbs has many references to time and what to do with your time. Revelation warns us about running out of time and preparing ourselves in time. We sing songs about time fleeting, the time is now passing, time after time, etc. I could go on and on, but there’s not enough time.

Time is an absolute part of our lives. God is the Creator of time (Genesis 1:14) and designed us to fit within the context of time to accomplish things for his glory. We use time as a way to measure our moments, our thoughts and our tasks in order that we can become like Christ. The way we manage our time in our lives determines how we are perceived in the world. If we do poorly at managing our time, then we can’t do a job well, or our bodies shut down due to poor health or our integrity diminishes with relationships because our actions don’t line up with our words. It has lasting effects.

Want to get better at managing your time? Start with spending time with God. Make good use of Daylight Saving Time. Take the 15-minutes-a-day challenge. Spend 15 minutes at a specific time each day and read Scripture or listen to a podcast that teaches God’s word. Dig in for at least 15 minutes and force yourself to form a habit. Statistics say that if you repeat a task for 30 days straight, it most likely forms a habit. By establishing this time to seek after God’s will in your life, there’s a dynamic that begins which shapes your mindset for the tasks set before you. Don’t ask me how it works, but God is big enough to handle our messes of time. Believe me, I have put him to the test!

Be encouraged today. God will make a way (and has throughout time) when there seems to be no (time) way. God will bend the time continuum to accomplish his will for his people in his time! We need to loosen our grip from the binding of time in our minds to get it all done. We need to free ourselves from the finite circumference of having to hurry and make it happen. We must concern ourselves with God’s calling in our lives to do the one command he implored us to make… go out and tell. How do you do that? You get to know the one who started it all—Jesus Christ!

As I conclude my allotment of time, I leave you to ponder this (in your spare time):

Ecclesiastes 3 
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build.

Author Bio
Hester Fulton has worked at Council Road for over 15 years. She's married to David, and they have one son, Eli. Hester's passion has always been music. She sings in the 9 a.m. worship service and assists Norman Behymer with planning worship and in Ministry Strategy for the church. Hester loves a good mystery and is always up for a great board game with friends and family.

Hester Fulton