Where are the Fathers?

By Curtis Brown

The recent shootings in Texas are on my mind and heart. I am angry and frustrated like the rest of America. How can this be? Another mass shooting. When will it end?

Unfortunately, politics are front and center in this discussion. Gun rights, freedom, gun control and mental health are all part of the debate. But I think we are missing the core issue.

The core issue lays at the feet of men. The majority of these shootings are conducted by young men who have no father figure in their lives. It is reported that as many as 80-90 percent of these shooters have no father figure.

See the National Fatherhood Initiative ( https://www.fatherhood.org/father-absence-statistic) and read all the statistics on fatherlessness. It is astounding. Boys that have no father figure are 279 percent more likely to carry guns and deal drugs than their peers living with fathers.

Where are the fathers? Why have men disappeared from their families? Why were the police on the scene so actively passive when immediate action was required?

Our culture needs godly men to live masculine lives and to protect our families and children; to live sacrificially for the benefit of those we know and love. Boldness and holy aggressiveness are lacking in our culture. We have become passive and afraid of action. We do not want to upset anyone.

Are we afraid we might not be right—that we no longer trust our instincts? I think at the core of every man is the desire to be needed and to live sacrificially. I think our instincts have been lulled to sleep or distracted by worldly things. Sex and other pleasures seem to have won the day in our culture.

Darkness flees the light. Now is the time for godly men to speak up and live a life worth following. Be generous with your time and resources. We cannot individually solve all of the world’s problems, but we can take care of those who God puts in front or around us.

Get involved. Older guys should be speaking into the lives of younger men. Younger men, find a mentor. Love your families well. Open your home and your heart to others. If you see a need, do something!

Our next “Man Up” breakfast is July 16 at 8 a.m. in Maroney Hall. Please come and encourage one another. There is something powerful that happens when men of God come together. I hope to see you there!

Author Bio
Dr. Curtis Brown is a family practice physician who has led out in starting the Man Up Ministries at CRBC. He and his wife, Kathy, have been members of CRBC since Pastor Rick's first day in the pulpit. They have been married for 35 years and have been blessed with four children and four grandchildren. 

Dr. Curtis Brown