My 60th CRBC Reflection

by Norman Behymer

Through the decades that Denise and I have been members at Council Road, I have given thought to why I love my church. Every time those thoughts cross my mind, I immediately go to these illustrations. I have shared these stories many times with people that want to know more about our wonderful church.

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the governor of the state of Oklahoma was my high school Sunday School director. George and Donna Nigh ministered to our high school students in ways that were not only unique, but also extraordinary. The Nighs would find ways to get the students together to love them and to teach them about God and life. They served faithfully, never calling attention to themselves, but only wanted what was best for our students. George and Donna loved being loved by our church and loved others as well

During the 1990s, I had a student who sang in youth choir. He came from a home where the parents used drugs. In my heart, I always wanted this student to have a chance at being all that God wanted him to be. One Sunday afternoon, I picked him up from his home to take him to youth choir. In his hand was a box. On the ride back to church I asked him what was in the box. He told me that he had witnessed to skateboarders all year long at Putnam City West High School, and at the end of the year, those skateboarders bought him a Bible with his name on it. I could hardly keep back the tears as I drove us both to youth choir rehearsal. Our church had prepared him to be all that God wanted him to be.

Why do I share these two stories? Whether you come from the governor’s office or a home with a very hard life, you will be loved when you walk through the doors of our church. And you will be loved greatly. Our mission statement says we are “to love all people to Christ and help them on their journey with God and each other.” The most important little word in our mission statement is the word “all.” 

I love my church!

Norman Behymer
Member since November 1974

Author Bio
Norman has served on staff at Council Road for 48 years. He currently serves as the Executive Pastor for Ministry Strategy, leads the Arts Team, oversees the work of the Deacon Ministry and leads worship for the early service. He and his wife, Denise, have two adult sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren.


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