Eternal Security is Real

by Stan Wilkins

After Ginger and I got married 18 years ago, one of our first priorities was to find a new church home where we could worship, grow spiritually and serve God. While our professional lives had been very different, our spiritual lives had been similar. We were both lifelong members of the same denomination. In fact, we were both third-generation members with parents and grandparents who were actively involved in pastoral and music ministries. However, we felt God was leading us in a new direction. We prayed earnestly about it. We were open and receptive to his leadership.

How did Council Road become part of our lives? Following my 40-year career in education and subsequent move to the Oklahoma City area to be near family, I worked several years for a local funeral service. It was there that I met Norman Behymer, Lue Melton and Julie Clifford as I worked numerous funerals together. Their friendliness and Christian walk were exemplary and played a large part in our decision to give CRBC a try.

The first several Sundays, we slipped into the balcony and quickly out after the service. The attraction grew, so one Sunday we decided to sit downstairs. Lue Melton spotted us and came to greet us and sit with us. After the morning service, she invited us to her Connection Class (a foreign term to us “Sunday Schoolers”). We promised to visit the class the next Sunday. Lue met us at the door that next week and introduced us to Stan and Kay Littleton, the directors of the class.

It was that Sunday that began a significant change in our lives. We became a part of Friends Unlimited. The caring group of people accepted us with open arms, adopted us, and the loving relationship continues to this day. We have been blessed to become the directors of this special connection group for the past several years.

Friends Unlimited meets together as a group for the opening and then breaks into two individual classes. Currently, the two teachers are Sue Fuzzell and Phil Bailey. Others in the past have included Carl Doss and Max Booze. All are Godly and biblical scholars who have influenced our lives.

Fortunate are the people who can point to an event and time in their lives where there was a significant, life-changing enlightenment. An “ah-ha” moment, if you please. That came about for us soon after we became part of CRBC and Friends Unlimited. Our teacher, Sue Fuzzell, became aware of our need to better understand eternal security. She took time to write a full sheet of Bible references about a Christian’s eternal security. As we studied those Scriptures, God began to reveal others to us as we read His word.

Both of us had accepted Christ and were baptized early in our lives. But, when for the first time in our lives we realized that eternal security is real, a sense of relief, peace and spiritual well-being permeated our minds, hearts and lives.

And so, we praise God that at a critical turning point in our lives, He led us to Council Road Baptist Church. To each of you who have become our true friends and have helped us in our Christian walk, we say a heart-felt thanks. It is wonderful to be part of a spiritually growing church that truly honors God by sharing Christ and serving others.

Author Bio
Ginger’s career was in management in the corporate world in the Dallas area. Stan’s career was as an educator for 40 years in Kansas. Both retired to Oklahoma City to be near family. Their blended family includes four children and spouses, 11 grandchildren (some with spouses) and eight great-grandchildren. Ginger enjoys being co-director and party host for Friends Unlimited. Stan is a deacon, choir member, and he assists with funerals at CRBC. They both are social beings who love God and their CRBC family.


Lessons Learned at CRBC


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