Growing Up at Council Road

by Casey Yates

I have had the privilege of calling Council Road Baptist Church my home for 35 years. Some of you have been here longer, while others are newer to our church. We all offer unique perspectives as we are involved in different areas and have different experiences. All that to say, I have a lot of memories and a grateful perspective as we celebrate our 60th anniversary! 

Some of my earliest church memories include VBS, children’s productions, Sunday School teachers’ faces, wearing PJs to Candlelight services and my baptism on Easter Sunday 1994. I remember being at church Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings. I still recognize many faces from my time in the Children’s Ministry. That ministry came alongside my parents and helped to form the biblical foundation on which I stand. 

Moving to my teen years, my memories begin to overflow…as do the number of my disposable camera printed pictures. Summer camps, mission trips to Mexico and New York, discipleship, leadership opportunities, summer swim parties, my first experience singing with a worship team and youth choir. So many beautiful memories as my faith grew into my own, and I was challenged in ways I had never been before. During this time, the Lord continued to use His faithful servants to guide me through those years and blessed me with some sweet friendships. I am grateful to still get to worship alongside some of those dear friends who walked this season with me. 

As a young adult, I traveled with several church members to Southeast Asia to serve alongside some of our beloved missionaries where I experienced yet another people group and saw how the Lord was moving in a different part of the world. I was a part of re-launching our Young Adult Ministry and the first young adult home groups. We spent a lot of Sunday mornings in the Omega House before its demise. This same Young Adult Ministry welcomed a recent grad from the University of Alabama, and my life was forever changed. Thanks again for bringing him, Landry!

My husband, TJ, and I got married at Council Road on December 15, 2013, in one of the last weddings on the original emerald green carpet. Soon after, the Worship Center and playground received an updated look. I had an invested interest in these updates. This church has been so instrumental in every aspect of my life. I only hope it will do the same for generations to come. I now have four young children who play on that playground and are poured into weekly by members of this church…just like I was. My kids were each dedicated to the Lord on the same stage that once donned the green carpet—the same stage that I was dedicated on almost 35 years ago. 

The Lord has used this church to shape and walk alongside me, my husband, my parents, my brother, and now, my kids. I am immensely grateful that I have been a member of Council Road Baptist Church my entire life. I praise God for each of you!

Author Bio
Casey Yates is a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and speech-language pathologist. She spends most of her time with her four young children but works as a pediatric speech-language pathologist a few hours a week. At CRBC, Casey serves in the Breakfast Club Connection Class, Worship Team and Women's Ministry Leadership Team. Casey loves all things Christmas, reading a good book, walking with a friend, pie and coffee. Lots of coffee.


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