Storms in Life

By Ricky Zeznanski

“For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in their distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless is like a rain storm against the wall.” Isaiah 25:4. 

I love thunderstorms. Watching the clouds turn dark and start to churn with lightning playing in the shadows is fascinating and exciting to me, and I love the grumbling sounds of the thunder’s chorus.

What I love most is how a storm can change the weather in multiple ways. In some cases, the storm will dramatically lower the current temperature, bringing a cool change to a hot day. Other times, when the storm has run its course, the dampness in the atmosphere causes the heat to feel even more oppressive and sticky. Rain can clean things and make them look shiny and new or cause huge messes if it’s heavy enough. Large storms have been known to knock out power for days and put trees through the roof until people work hard to clean up and set things right.

Tough situations that happen to me or through me can feel like storms that greatly impact my life. How I react to these events can determine whether the storm destroys me or motivates me toward positive change. If I say, “Poor me,” and blame others, nothing changes, and I might live in a rut of negativity. If I decide to approach the situation with a positive attitude and look for the lesson God is providing, I not only help myself feel better, but can also show others God‘s goodness in all situations. If I have had some part in the cause of the problem, I can own my choices, make amends and be a force in changing the storm’s outcome.

At Celebrate Recovery, I learn to continually take personal inventory and admit when I have done wrong. As I move forward in hard situations, standing firmly with Jesus as my foundation will help me make positive choices and demonstrate to others that I can’t do it alone.

1st Corinthians 10:12 says, “So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” Placing our trust in Jesus and asking him for help during our storms is the best way to overcome the tough stuff in this world.

God is always with us as our refuge in the storms of life. We need to step up and ask for His help and do the work to set things right.

Author Bio
Ricky Z serves as the Ministry Leader for Celebrate Recovery at Council Road. He also owns his own construction company, Kingdom Son Construction, and speaks around the state at many of the prisons and jails, leading the 12-step study. He is married to Amy, and they enjoy ministering together.

Ricky Zeznanski