Sacred Space

by Matt McLain

If you have ever looked at your personal calendar in list mode, it is overwhelming.

Ever looked at a church calendar? It is debilitating.


Why do we do so much?

Why do we have Connection Classes, women’s brunches, recovery groups, book clubs, Wednesday night services, Big Weekend, community groups, discipleship groups, deacon’s meetings, Opening Night, Marriage Matters, etc… I could go on.

As a church, we pour ourselves into people and places where they gather because we are all in on creating intentional space. Space where we can all come in from the noise and hear the quiet voice of God. Space where we can come in from the cold and feel the warmth of a loving community. Space where we can come in from the distractions and concentrate on the Glorious One.

We do a lot because more often than not, we leave these intentional spaces thinking that was not an intention space—this was sacred space. God met me in the worship. God met me in the Scripture. God met me in the community.

I am thankful for the sacred spaces in my life and for our church’s role in it. Big Weekend was certainly one of those sacred spaces. Many students saw that the only way forward for them was to step into grace for the first time. Many students and leaders saw that the only way forward for them was to bear the image of the God who created them in place of their own.

I’m thankful for a weekend and a calendar full of sacred spaces.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Author Bio
Matt McLain is the Student Minister at CRBC. He has been on staff at Council Road for five years. He is married to Sarah and has an 80 lb. golden doodle named Annie. Matt received his Bachelor of Arts from Oklahoma Christian University where he played soccer. He received his M,Div, from Midwestern Seminary in the spring of 2019. In addition to being an avid reader, he is also beginning new hobbies such as rock climbing and long distance running.

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