Missions Month 2020

by Makenzie Magnus

Lent and missions don't seem to fit together naturally, or at least that's what I kept thinking when I realized missions month would fall during the Lenten season. How would we approach this in a way that made sense and also contributed to the focus of Lent? A friend mentioned the campaign her church was observing titled "Living Simply to Give Generously." I snapped my fingers and almost shouted, "That's it! That's how it all fits!" The Lenten season already calls us to simplify our lives in some way so that we can deepen our attention to the cross. We spend 40 days of spiritual reflection leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and I love how our church intentionally observes this season! Missions Month is a time for us to focus, give and learn about what God is doing in the world and the ways He is calling us to join Him. One of the biggest challenges we put forth during this focus is to give to our Missions Ingathering Offering, which we end on March 31. We use this fund to support partners all over our city and the world. We give scholarships, invest in projects with our partners, support non-profits, church plants and more.

This March, we are challenging you to add a fiscal element to your Lenten season. Our desire is that this would also bring spiritual significance to your life, and that you will uncover the deep, spiritual joy of simplicity and generosity as you set aside material gain that often distracts or deters us.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21). This will look different for everyone! Maybe you plan on spending some time away from social media during Lent; would you also consider abstaining from online shopping and give that money to our missions offering? There are a lot of ways to look at your financial spending and challenge yourself in a significant way for these weeks: only drink water, make no impulse purchases (even at the dollar bin at Target), have a clothes swap, go to the library to rent movies and books, eat in instead of going out, or make coffee instead of going through the drive-thru at Starbucks. Make it something that will be noticeable in your life and pray and ask God where He wants to challenge you for these few weeks! Going above and beyond our tithes to contribute to our ingathering is always incredible to see. It doesn't matter if your amount is big or small. It all adds up to be more than we could give on our own.

During the month of March you can also expect a few fun guests making an appearance on Sundays and Wednesdays, such as Hope is Alive, one of our biggest local partners. 

Our kids and families will have the opportunity to take home Operation World’s new book, Window on the World, which is an incredible resource for families to engage in praying through the countries of the world together.

On March 28, we will have Serve Day with a few of our local partners, which will be open to people of all ages. On March 31, you will have an opportunity to sign up to tour St.Paul's Community School and have lunch!

I am looking forward to this season with our church family, and I hope you are too!

"Make it something that will be noticeable in your life and pray and ask God where He wants to challenge you for these few weeks! Going above and beyond our tithe to contribute to our ingathering is always incredible to see: it doesn't matter if your amount is big or small! It all adds up to be more than we could give on our own." 

Author Bio
Makenzie graduated from Wheaton College where she majored in Christian Ministry, Urban Studies and Photography and somehow managed to apply all of her degrees to work in the real world! She has a passion for community development after years of working in urban ministry in Chicago, non-profits in Austin and serving on staff at CRBC. She loves being able to equip and serve the church as the Minister of Missions which includes cultivating both local and global partnerships. She is a homebody in addition to loving the adventures that come with her job. She is an avid Harry Potter fan, loves Oklahoma City and being with her friends, family and adorable weenie dog, May.  

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