A Lesson on Focus During COVID19

by Billie Meadors

My plans were made, and they didn’t include a pandemic. April 15, 2020, was to be my last day of work before retirement, but on March 25, an Executive Order not only deemed me non-essential, but also high risk. I was ordered to stay home until April 15! Not quite the glorious vision I had of stepping into a new life filled with new opportunities. I’ve been the only employee for twenty years to the best boss at a job God gave me, as I was not qualified.

I knew retirement meant adjustments would be made for having extra time, but I did NOT anticipate not being able to go anywhere. I spent the entire first week becoming a little too intimate with my couch but quickly determined not to become a couch potato! One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. To me, that means keeping my body healthy so I can be useful for Kingdom work. I found the old aerobics videos I used in 1992 and began a very rich lesson that I didn’t expect to learn in such a weird way.

After the first few days, I figured out that if I focused on the teacher’s feet, I could keep pace with the rhythm of the music. I added arm movements next. After a few days, I began to better hear the voice that was instructing and encouraging. That caused me to pay more attention to my form, thereby getting the full benefit of the workout. I realized that not only was I exercising my body, but I was also exercising my mind. When I lose focus because my mind wanders, I lose step and have to stop and refocus again.

Our Christian disciplines work the same way. We must first focus on the ONE essential thing—the Cross. Matthew 6:33 ways, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” I’ve noticed that the more personal the Cross has become to me, the more fluid my life seems to move. I’m more in step with seeking God’s plans over my own. Not that I haven’t had a few troubles, but those troubles don’t throw me out of step like they once did. Focusing on the cross strengthens my resolve to come each day to God’s word and to take time to listen for what He wants me to learn. The more He teaches me, the more I pay attention to finer details in my heart which need repentance.

One of the unexpected blessings that God has given me is the gift of communities. Without my communities right now, I know I would fall out of fellowship and would weaken into fear. Isolation amps up everything in opposition to God’s good plans for us. Whether it’s my connection class, the single moms group or my Table ladies, after each Zoom meeting my heart is encouraged, and my faith is strengthened.

I believe that God has priceless lessons for each of us to learn during this time when everything familiar has become so strange. As we stay strong in the discipline of reading His word, stay connected to our groups, exercise our minds and bodies, we will emerge from this time equipped to take on His kingdom work in a more focused way. Let’s never forget what He’s taught us and use it for His glory!

Author Bio
I’m just a woman on the journey of life who loves God and His word, family, friends, my golden retriever Noble, CRBC and Iced Triple Grande-Two-Pump-Nonfat-No-Whip-Light-Iced-White Chocolate Mochas. If I could have my way, I’d live in the mountains where drinking coffee by a stream is the closest thing to heaven I can imagine!

Billie Meadors