Favorite Reasons Why I Love Celebrate Recovery

by Sue Ellen Ferguson

1.     CR loves how supportive Pastor Rick is to our ministry and for beginning the recovery ministry upon his arrival at Council Road. We also love Clint Chamberlain, our wise, faithful and compassionate team leader.

2.     We love the amazing team that makes sure we are able to meet each week, even if an ice storm or tornado is headed our way:

-       Mark Lyle and his energetic team made up of Terry Burr, John Burr and Eric Cornelius, make sure our building is set up to accommodate the 100 people we host each week. We also rely heavily on our committed dinner crew—Susan Roberts, Scott Pruitt and the gang at Swadley’s barbecue—to provide delicious dinners.

-       One of our best-kept secrets is the over-the-top desserts that several of the CRBC Connection Groups provide each week. Thanks to the organizers Carol Jean Haigh, Jimmie Kennard, Rhonda Boyce and Becky Lyle, and their faithful and gracious groups! They have provided this service almost since the beginning of CR. We have now added their desserts as one of our addictions!

-       We always look and sound our best because Timothy Davidson has trained several of our guys on how to run sound, lights and the IMAG. Our talented musicians and vocalists who lead our praise services each week are Dave Martin, Oscar Vasquez and band and Perri and her band. Your spirit-led music leads us into the most meaningful sharing time of recovery testimonies and Bible study.

-       A big thank you goes to our childcare coordinators Dondra Lonsdale and Marti Harris and your faithful weekly team of Teresa de la Cruz, Rodger Roberts and Jordan Bittle for loving our children each week with the tender love of Jesus.

3.     Thanks to our 14 Leadership Team members for leading the support groups and the 12-Step groups and for your faithful weekly service. What a difference your leadership, prayers and support make in the lives of your group members. We may not know just how much until we all get to heaven. But we do get a taste of the results as we hear and see with the greatest joy during the 12-Step graduations of the transformed lives of hundreds of men and women.

4.     Thank you, Council Road staff and church members, for the incredible way you support and love this recovery ministry.

5.     What a blessed privilege it is to be part of this ministry for the past 16 years! There have been lots of tears, recovery from a dark time in my own life, but lots more laughter and lots of celebrating every Friday night with my forever family.

We continue to praise him for safety each week and for his loving grace and forgiveness and the transformation of many lives.

Author Bio
Sue Ellen has served on staff at Council Road for over 20 years in a variety of roles including the Student and College Ministry, Women’s Ministry and now the Recovery Ministry. She speaks all over the state showing her antique hat collection that ties into an inspirational message asking how you balance the hats you wear. She has one grand-daughter, Samantha, with whom she shares a birthday.  

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