Why I Love Celebrate Recovery

What I love the most about Celebrate Recovery is the undeniable presence of Jesus Christ. He is there! He is there with and for His broken children. He wants to heal them of their hurts, habits and hang-ups. When He began His ministry on earth, He loved to heal people miraculously. He still does today at Celebrate Recovery.

Another thing I love is the transparency of everyone. They can just be themselves. The anonymity and confidentiality make a safe place for being able to be completely honest about everything.

I also love the awesome opportunities to serve and the many different ways to share the gospel. Christ uses my testimony to encourage others who are struggling with their own issues, and this open doors for me to share one on one. The awesome relationships that are made in small groups are bonded forever.

Have you ever wondered where God wants you to serve in ministry? I went to Celebrate Recovery and found my place. God has used His ministry of CR to bless me in so many different ways. I’ve memorized a lot of CR-related Scripture. I’ve gotten comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. I never thought that would happen. I’ve learned how to share Christ with someone I’ve just met. I’ve learned how to teach a Bible lesson. My prayer life has gotten a lot stronger. And I get a front row seat every week to see Christ working in the lives of others. You are invited to visit us on a Friday night, and you’ll understand the joy that I receive every week at CR.

Author Bio
Ricky Z has served on staff at Council Road for two years assisting in the Recovery Ministries. He is also employed at Capstone Construction and speaks around the state at many of the prisons and jails.

Ricky Zeznanski