Re-Entering Life

by Vickey Banks

Not the restaurants!

My visceral response to news that Coronavirus concerns were closing all restaurants was a sure sign that I was thinking more about my personal comfort than those genuinely suffering.

I knew I had reached a low point one evening when I was watching television, and one of those well-meaning celebrity clips came on where they thank all the frontline workers and try to encourage the rest of us. When the final actress trying to identify with us (sitting alone in her bathroom while wearing no makeup and with her hair pulled up into a messy bun) said, “We’re all in this together,” I about lost it. I had heard that sentiment without feeling it one too many times.

“No WEEEEE are not!” I said a bit too loudly, “IIIII am sitting on my sofa alone!” AND for a split second I considered throwing my pillow at her face.

Don’t you hate it when your own actions reveal your uglier side?

I keep hoping I will get to the place in my spiritual journey where I look more like Jesus and less like His self-centered sibling, but the brat in me keeps showing herself. 

Fortunately, God keeps pursuing me. As author Max Lucado says, “God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.” He helps me see my ugly self, and I hear His Spirit whisper, “Enough already. Where are you looking?”

I had a tough case of pneumonia right before the Coronavirus hit, so I felt “socially distanced” long before I heard that sad phrase. I was emotionally done with quarantine before the rest of the world had even started, so my celebrator/hugger self really did not want to stay home any longer. 

While hating showers and birthday parties being canceled left and right, not allowing me to celebrate those I love in ways I prefer, God reminded me how fortunate I was to have people I so love. While it was true that quarantine meant I couldn’t hug or even be in close proximity to my pregnant daughter-in-law or son, God assured me I could still show them my love while He safely formed my granddaughter inside her mommy’s tummy.

I’ve had a couple of dear friends say goodbye to loved ones due to deaths during this quarantine, and others who have wrestled with anxiety while their sisters battled Covid-19. Not attending their memorial services or going immediately to hug and pray over these hurting friends is something I would not have even considered before quarantine commanded it. I have hated not being with hurting loved ones in person, but God sweetly reminded me that His supernatural immunities meant He could be. 

Not even a worldwide pandemic can shut down God’s services. He is still on His throne and has led me to express my love and concern in ways other than physically being present. God has not decreased His operating hours and remains totally available to hear my prayers regarding those I love twenty-four hours a day.

The Coronavirus did seem to cancel many of our lives’ events, but neither it nor any other person, place or thing could ever cancel God. As Psalm 102:12 beautifully proclaims,

 “But you, O LORD, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures 
through all generations.” 

 Yes, we now have an awkward transition to face as we leave our homes and re-enter the world. But the God who was with us during our quarantine will be with us now. Let’s keep our focus on Him, trusting that He will see us through.

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; 
he will never leave you or forsake you. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
- Deuteronomy 31:8

Author Bio
Bible study teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at
Council Road, writing for and overseeing the Council Road Women blog, serving as a LifeWay Women’s Trainer and as a member of the Women’s Leadership Team for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. She also enjoys teaching Young Adults with her husband, celebrating her people, relishing God's creation and getting lost in a good story.

Vickey Banks