Oh How Sweet to Walk

by Hester Fulton

Most people would say 2020 was a bad year, but my family and I would say 2019 was worse. On December 26, 2018, my husband fell off a ladder at work. At the time, he thought it was just a simple accident and began recovery through a doctor and physical therapy.

As 2019 progressed, his ability to walk was decreasing, and his pain was increasing. He began to use a walker, then needed a wheelchair. A neurological specialist determined that he had fractured a vertebra in his back, causing severe pressure on his spinal cord. His extremities were becoming numb. Taking a step sometimes led to a fall. Watching him struggle crushed my spirit. How did a simple miss-step lead to this? David said being fully dependent on someone else was miserable.

To fully rely on God means to put your complete trust in the unseen through very seen circumstances. We merely have to believe him. We must study his character, how he worked through his apostles and his unending love for us. We must lean into the understanding of what he can do.

Dave had two back surgeries and will have another in the next year. It was not an easy recovery, but God was faithful to his servant. On January 26, 2020, he returned to the job he loves! He knows how miraculous it is that he can work, move around huge warehouses, climb ladders, and he knows that without God, he would continue to fall flat on his face. 

This complete dependence on God reminds me of the hymn, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms":

Oh how sweet to walk in this Pilgrim's way
Leaning on the everlasting arms
I have blessed peace in my Lord so near
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Have you experienced this type of reliance? Do you trust and believe in God? If you would like to know HIM, please contact a minister at Council Road here. We'd love to visit with you so you can have, "Blessed peace in my Lord so near."

Author Bio 
Hester Fulton has worked for Council Road for over 15 years. She's married to David, and they have one son, Eli. Hester's passion has always been music. She sings in the 9 a.m. worship service and assists Norman Behymer with planning worship and in Ministry Strategy for the church. Hester loves a good mystery and is always up for a great board game with friends and family.

Hester Fulton