
by Scott Richards

When you hear the word “August,” what thoughts come to mind? It might conjure up the end to the dog days of summer and temperatures over 100 degrees. For others, it means the end of summer vacations, time at the lake or at the pool or maybe even that all-important day of August 25…“Kiss-and-Make-Up Day.” But for many, August is all about one thing, Back to School! Back to School takes on all kinds of meaning depending on the person. For most parents, it’s a welcome sight as the kids will finally be out of the house and back on a somewhat regular schedule. For students, it usually comes with mixed emotions. They can’t wait to see their friends again but don’t want to deal with crazy teachers like Mr. Richards. 

School is an interesting place. And for all of us, school played a huge role in developing who we are today. For some, school was amazing and wonderful, and a place where you learned, were loved, did some incredible things and made lots of wonderful memories. For others, school brings up thoughts you’d wish you could forget. Probably for most, thoughts fall somewhere between those two extremes. As a teacher, it’s always eye-opening to hear people talk about school and those in it. Some think of us as “glorified babysitters,” while others see us as foundational leaders educating those who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Regardless of what people think, the mission of the teacher and the school is the same…love kids, lead them, teach them and help them navigate an impossible culture. 

Church is an interesting place. And when you hear the word “church,” I have no doubt it brings up all kinds of thoughts. Like school, for some it’s the greatest place on earth (sorry Disney), and for others, it’s a place of pain from which to stay away. As a teacher, I take very seriously the call to teach kids and to make the school a place students want to be—a place to feel loved, led and equipped to take on the world. As the church and a member of His body here on earth, as a minister of the gospel (1 Peter 2:9), how seriously am I taking my role to help bring God’s kingdom here on earth? How am I doing at helping show people who are lost that they are loved, that there is a Shepherd who wants to lead them, and that there is a Savior who has overcome the world?

As a teacher, I can only influence those students who are in my classroom. I can’t and won’t reach them all.  Many will end up failures in the eyes of the world, but hopefully many others will find their own version of success. As a member of the church, my role is quite similar. I can’t and won’t reach all those I know.  Hopefully the babies I hold will one day come to know Jesus, the students I encourage will grow deeper in their faith, the COCA class I’m part of will be encouraged as we sharpen each other with His incredible word, and the friends I do life with have a bit more hope because of the glimpse of Jesus they see in me. My encouragement to you this August is simple. Regardless of what the world thinks of the church and your role in it, be His hands and feet, love those around you, lead your family well, and point all who find themselves in your bubble to Jesus. Hope is truly found nowhere else.

Author Bio
Scott Richards is married to Angela and is father to Carson, Avery and Cayden. He is in his ninth year of teaching middle school science at Western Oaks Middle School. He has also been the head volleyball coach for nine years. He has helped with the CRBC Student Ministry for eight years. Before teaching, he was in vocational ministry as a youth pastor and pastor for about 20 years. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from UCO and a Masters/Seminary degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Scott Richards