Twenty Years of Reflection

by Clint Chamberlain

Reflection can be defined as “serious thought or consideration.” Over the past few days, I have spent time reflecting on my time here at Council Road and have come to realize I can’t put 20 years into a few paragraphs, but here are a few thoughts.

I was voted on by the church on September 28, 2003, but my involvement with Council Road didn’t begin there. After my father passed away in 1998, my mother found a community at Council Road to help her work through the grief and to learn how to live as a widow. She developed new friendships and relationships that have lasted even today. I am often asked on a Sunday morning by one of the original members of the “Ruby’s Gems” class how my mother is doing, and we get to have a brief conversation and reflection.

In the summer of 2003, I was in Chicago attending a leadership summit with my son who had just graduated from high school. During a break in one of the first sessions, I recognized someone walking down the aisle, Rick Thompson. I knew it was him because I had seen his face on a billboard in the Bethany area since he was the new pastor at Council Road. Long story short, I introduced myself, and told him I had been wanting to connect and to hear more about the church he had come from in Wichita Falls, TX. I wanted to know how they had used small groups and recovery ministries to reach into their community. I don’t remember much about the conference, but I do remember hours of conversation the next couple of days talking about ministry with Rick and Norman. Reflecting back, I see that meeting was instrumental in me coming to Council Road.

When our family became part of the Council Road family, our youngest (Kindle) was two years old. She is now married and finishing college. Looking back, she learned much of what she knows about worship, the importance of gathering together and living missionally here at Council Road.

I have had the opportunity to lead and serve with some incredible team members like Kelly King, Nancy McKinney, Dann Regan, Jim Cary, John Jensen, Chris Allen, Ali and James Hunt, Makenzie Magnus-Yeary, Dr. Carisa Wilsie, Sue Ellen Ferguson, Luke McConnell, Ricky Zeznanski and countless other volunteers, group leaders and church members. I have been blessed in some way by every one of them.

I have also been blessed to be part of starting small groups, launching Celebrate Recovery, serving with the building committee for the CUBE, seeing the Karis ministry develop and flourish, forming the Outside-the-Walls Ministry Team and so much more.

I have made deep friendships that have had a lasting impact in my life. I have stood beside the bedside of some of those friends as they crossed from this life to heaven. I reflect on those friendships and am thankful that it is never “goodbye,” only “see you later.”

I will say that 20 years has gone fast! Thank you, Council Road, and when I say that, I am reflecting on every individual (staff and church member) who has had an impact in my life and the life of my family. Proverbs 27:19 says, As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. I pray that my time at Council Road has reflected the heart I have for my Savior and His bride.

Thank you, Council Road, for the past 20 years of being the community with which we live life.  Now it is time to press on!

In Him,
Clint Chamberlain

Author Bio
Clint currently serves as the Executive Pastor of Outside-the-Walls Ministries at Council Road in Bethany, OK. He is passionate about creating environments where people can experience God in everyday life. Clint married his wife, Deb, in 1982, and they have three adult children that are all married, two wonderful daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and five incredible grandkids.

Clint Chamberlain