The Brotherhood of Friendship

by Dr. Curtis Brown

This is my favorite time of the year. Football season is here, hunting season is right around the corner and the fall colors are spectacular. It is also time for our men’s breakfast, and I really enjoy our time together. I always feel better after hanging out with some of my brothers for some grub and an encouraging word about our Messiah.

The main reason I like our time together is because of a promise our Messiah gave 2,000 years ago. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” When we gather around a table with others, He is among us in a way that is not the same as when we are alone. I think that is why I feel better, stronger, encouraged and more connected.

In a recent study by Barna, it was reported that the average American male has .8 friends. I am not sure what exactly .8 is, but I know it isn’t good. Our Western culture prizes individualism to such a degree that most men go it alone. There are several reasons (excuses) for this. Time commitment is probably number one on most guys’ list. It takes time to be a friend, and most of us have our calendars and days filled with all sorts of activities. Usually, these activities are not bad or immoral but do keep us occupied.

Often, I find myself conflicted between deciding what is good, and what is best for me. I am a big-time introvert, and I do solitude well. However, God uses other people to grow and mature me in my faith more so than me living in solitude. We need both. We need other men in our lives to be our guides and companions, and we also need time alone with our thoughts and with God.

I want to encourage you to come to our next men’s breakfast where you will meet other brothers who are having the same struggles as you. You are not alone. We are better when we are together, and when we are together, He is with us.

Our next breakfast is October28. We will begin at 8 a.m. and end right around 9 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is simply one hour of your time. We will take a donation if you want to leave some money in the bucket, but the real cost is one hour of your time. You will be blessed if you come. He will be there. You will be encouraged, and you will feel a little more connected, which we all need. Please come and be a blessing to the other men who attend.

Some have been asking about our Bible study, and when it is going to start again. We have hit the pause button for this fall but are planning (still in the works) a night of worship for men only. We hope to have more details at our breakfast. We are also planning a work project for this fall. Details to follow, but be ready to work.

I hope to see you on October 28. It will be a good time to connect with some of your brothers. Invite a friend. It is a low threat environment where those far from God will feel welcomed.

Blessings My Brothers,

Curtis Brown, MD

Author Bio
Dr. Curtis Brown is a family practice physician who has led out in starting the Man Up Ministries at CRBC. He and his wife, Kathy, have been members of CRBC since Pastor Rick's first day in the pulpit. They have been married for 35 years and have been blessed with four children and four grandchildren.

Dr. Curtis Brown