Whiz Kids Version 4.0

Yesterday we started our fourth year of Whiz Kids at Council Road! We're so excited about the year and so grateful for the support of our church in this important ministry. We feel Whiz Kids is arguably the most important ministry we do at Council Road because of our interaction with the community on a weekly basis. We talk a lot about serving and loving our community here. Through Whiz Kids, we do that every week, and it's had an impact on many kids and their families. 

Here are some ways you can pray for this ministry this year: 

1. Pray that the kids will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We had two Whiz Kids give their lives to Jesus at VBS this summer. God is moving in this ministry in more ways than just allowing us to help kids improve at reading. Pray for our kids to know Jesus!

2. Pray for our tutors, who are possibly the only stable adult relationships these kids have in their lives. Pray for strength, patience and perseverance. Our tutors are going to encounter some really discouraging, disheartening and sad circumstances with our kids and their families. Please pray for them as they love these kids and their families, and that they would be prepared to help them in whatever way they can.

3. Pray for our leadership team of Makenzie Magnus, Luke McConnell, Becca Walker and Becky Spencer. Pray for unity as we equip the tutors to serve their Whiz Kids as best they can. Pray for wisdom and clear direction as we navigate tough circumstances, discipline and any conflicts that arise throughout the year. 

4. Pray for the teachers and staff at Council Grove. Those working in education face so many challenges. Please pray for them to love and teach their kids well and to keep the love they have for teaching in the face of many challenges.

5. Pray for the families of our Whiz Kids. There is so much brokenness in the lives of these families. It's a true window into the community around our church's physical address. Pray for these families to be open to the Gospel. Pray they would trust our tutors, and that they would be open about the help they need and open to receiving help from us as a church. Pray for open doors to share the Gospel with them.

Thank you for praying! If you and/or your group is interested in providing meals for Whiz Kids this year, email Luke or Makenzie for more information. We're grateful for the groups that have responded so far and look forward to hearing from many more of you in the weeks ahead! 

Author Bio
Luke serves as the CUBE Director at Council Road. He previously worked at Channel 9 as a sportswriter and an account executive. He also serves as the play-by-play voice for Southern Nazarene University athletics. Luke graduated from OU in 2011. He and his wife, Mary, have been members at Council Road since 2012. They have four boys: Andrew, Logan, Jackson and Cameron. Mary teaches second grade at Wiley Post Elementary.

Luke McConnell