I Am Thankful!

by Debbie Jourden

When asked if I would write about thankfulness, my first thought was that I have experienced several difficult events the past few months, and I might not be the best person to write about thankfulness. Then the prompting of the Holy Spirit reminded me that I do have so much to be thankful for, especially because of these events.

There was a very scary incident that happened this past summer still with ongoing ramifications. It was very scary! I am thankful that the Lord protected me in ways that can only be explained by his presence. I am so very thankful that God never leaves me, and that he is always watching over me. I am thankful the damage was able to be repaired and, of course, that God provided for this need.

Then there was the broken hot water tank that ultimately flooded the garage and a portion of the house. It required expensive repairs and eventually will require replacing the whole hot water tank.

I am thankful that my cousin was able to come quickly and turn off     the water and mop up the water in the house. I am thankful a friend gave me the name of a plumber who came a short time later and fixed the problem. I am thankful God made a way for me to pay the bill, and I’m thankful this same plumber will replace the tank soon. I am thankful that God has put friends and relatives in my life who are always willing to help.

Then came a stomach virus that took a week of recovery time. I am thankful I was able to recover without medical intervention. There was a time in my life that would not have been possible. I am so thankful God has strengthened by body even as I am aging.

Most recently, I am recovering from a fall out of my wheelchair onto the pavement in the church parking lot. I am so thankful for the people that came to my rescue and helped me get back into my chair. I am thankful that there were no broken bones or blood spilled. I am thankful I did not hit my head on the pavement, and that I did not face plant on the blacktop! I am thankful that I was able to drive myself home and to the doctor’s office. I am thankful that the bruises and sprains are all slowly healing, and I am regaining my strength.

A very wise friend gave me some great advice many years ago when I was deep in grief and thought everything in my life was bad. He challenged me to take out a sheet of paper and to draw a line down the middle. On one side he told me to list all the bad things that had happened to me in the past month. On the other side he told me to list all the things that I had to be thankful for in the past month. When I looked at it on the paper, the “bad” list was quite short compared to all the things I had to be thankful for on the other side of the page. And the morale to this story is…

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!

Yes, I have much to be thankful for, especially when I think back on the past few months. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Author Bio
Debbie Jourden has been a CRBC member for 44 years. She has two adult children - one son and daughter-in-law, one son in heaven and two adult grandsons. She enjoys gardening, photography and crafting. She has taught the Soul Sisters Connection Class since 1990 and has run her own small business from home the last 24 years.

Debbie Jourden